For many, it is the first week of school. Your child may have attended 1 or more days, they may have experienced their first “virtual” day or may be attending 100% virtually. Some have opted to pursue a formal home school program. Whatever the environment, it has been about 6 months since our schools have seen the smiling faces of children. We are all cautiously optimistic that we will move forward without stirring up the COVID-19 pot. I have already received calls from students who have been exposed to someone who tested positive or students who have “failed” the morning prescreen because of mild symptoms. We need to stay careful.
The NYS Department of Health has issued some very stringent guidelines that require a negative COVID test and a note/examination by a physician, NP or PA before returning to school if they failed a screen or were sent home with symptoms. This is challenging and means that we will be sending off large numbers of tests.
So… here’s to a successful and uneventful return to school. Hopefully, all the modifications and precautions will keep us all safe and healthy.