Until we have begun to get calls asking when we will start immunizing 5-11-year-olds with the anticipated Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Currently, the information that we have is that the FDA is going to review the data by the end of October and the CDC and its immunization practices committee will address that issue the beginning of November.
Until the vaccine is approved by both entities, it is unavailable for order. I have already spoken with my contact at the Monroe County Department of Health and will obtain vaccine as soon as it is available. We are also exploring ordering it directly from NY State if the quantities are appropriate.
Once we know we will have the vaccine, we will schedule “clinics” to administer it to all who want it. Like the current Pfizer vaccine, we anticipate a 2 dose schedule 21 days apart, but will not know for sure until we learn of the final recommendations. It appears that the dose of the vaccine will be 1/3 the adult dose.
We will keep you informed via this blog, Lewis Pediatrics’ Facebook page and Twitter (Docmeister53). Please refrain from calling the office for updates and trying to schedule appointments which we cannot do until we have more information. Ours phones and texts are already overwhelmed by the increased call volumes due to symptoms and return to school.
Thank you for your patience.