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Stay Calm and Look Forward

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Stay Calm and Look Forward

The Governor reported new “lows” of hospitalizations, intubations and deaths from COVID-19 today. This is great news since everyone anticipated an increase after “reopening” across NY state. We need to pat ourselves on our backs for accomplishing this. But, we also need to continue to be cautious as we look towards the return to school. I have already received some questions about dealing with kids (as well as parents) who are anxious about returning to school. Children about to start kindergarten are even more at risk to experience worries about going to school

We are also receiving inquiries about the safety of schools’ plans.  So far they all need to be approved by the state, but moving forward, I anticpate that all districts will have plans in place that will address the safety of students, faculty and staff. There will most likely be a spectrum of plans with student attending classes 4 days a week (Wednesdays are scheduled to be cleaning days), a hybrid model or a full virtual model.  The American Academy of Pediatrics still feels it is best for children to return to school if it can be done in a safe manner – that is the $64,000 question.

We anticipate starting influenza vaccines after Labor Day if our inventory comes in on time.  I also have an order in for reagent to perform rapid COVID-19 antigen testing in the office.  I am just waiting for the supplies to become available.

In the meantime, let’s stay calm and look forward to continued reopening of our state.

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