Both local and statewide reports continue to be optimistic. I think we can safely say we have “flattened the curve” and have probably passed the apex of the “surge.” Hospitalization rates, ICU admissions and intubations are down. Deaths, still at 481 yesterday, are trending downward but still represent tragic loss from this virus. Locally the numbers reflect these trends too although the number of deaths from over the weekend are up.
I think all of you/us who have heeded the recommendations to stay home and socially distance can pat yourself on the back. BUT… it is not over. This is a virus unlike any most of us have ever seen and it will not take much for it to rear it’s ugly head again. Just like spring is “sort of” here, and we see intermittent sunshine, we can start to look for some hope that NY state will “reopen” in May.
Please take a moment to, once again, count your blessings, no matter how few or small they might seem at this point in our lives. John Krasinski (Office and Jack Ryan fame) has started the Some Good News Network on Youtube. Take a minute or 20 to watch them. They are entertaining and uplifting.
We at Lewis Pediatrics remain here for you. Please do not hesitate to reach out.
Harper misses you all.