Cases of COVID-19 are back on the rise. We may not know the true extent of infection since testing and reporting is no longer mandated. Many patients test at home, some with mild symptoms don’t test at all.
Now that COVID-19 vaccine has to be purchased from Moderna or Pfizer, the roll out of the 2023-2024 vaccine (much like the annual flu shot) has been anything but efficient. We are trying to obtain vaccine for out patients, but are limited because we cannot order in the required large quantities for one version of the vaccine and are waiting for one manufacturer to fill an order placed in September. We are trying to keep things simple but there are 5 versions of the 2 vaccines, so we are working on a system to maximize our inventories and available resources to provide everyone who wants the vaccine a chance to get it.
If you are interested, please call the office so we can put you on our list and plan our schedules accordingly.