As we get further into the COVID-19 pandemic, I find myself looking for something different to report. Today is much of the same news and statistics. In Monroe County, the percent positive cases continues to trickle upwards. As of today 8.87% of tests were positive. That still means that over 91% of those ill enough to warrant testing were negative for COVID-19. In NY State 35.66% of tests were positive, but nationwide 16.95% of tests were positive. As Governor Cuomo keeps reminding us, the epicenter of COVID-19 remains NY city and downstate. We need to continue to continue to stay at home to flatten the curve.
Locally, our hospital systems are gearing up and are prepared for rising numbers. Various models and predictions are being monitored, but it appears that the number of cases is going to increase before we actually see the peak of the pandemic locally. Please continue to take precautions.
Please check out the attached article:
Home is Not School_ Quarantine with Kids – Elizabeth Pantley – The No-Cry Solution
We are still here if you need us, please do not hesitate to contact us.